The methodological recommendations provide basic information about the types of publications, an approximate structure for the design of the title page of educational and scientific publications. Methodological recommendations are developed based on current standards:
GOST R 7.0.4-2020 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Editions. Imprint. General requirements and rules of registration."
GOST 7.60-2003 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Editions. Basic types of terms and definitions."
GOST 7.0.53-2007 “Publications. International Standard Book Number".
GOST R 7.0.6-2008 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. International Standard Musical Edition Number (Ismn). Publishing Design and Use".
GOST 7.9-95 “Abstract and abstract. General requirements", MAKK - according to GOST 7.51-98 "Cards for catalogs and card files. Cataloging in the publication. Composition, data structure and publishing design.”
Types of publications
Educational publications
textbook |
an educational publication containing a systematic presentation of an academic discipline, its section, part, corresponding to the curriculum, and officially approved as this type of publication. |
tutorial |
an educational publication that complements or replaces partially or completely a textbook officially approved as a given type of publication. |
teaching aid |
an educational publication containing materials on the methods of teaching, studying an academic discipline, its section, part or education. |
educational visual aid |
educational publication containing materials to aid learning, teaching or education. |
workbook |
a textbook that has a special didactic apparatus that facilitates the student’s independent work on mastering a subject. |
tutorial |
educational publication for self-studying something without the help of a leader. |
workshop |
educational publication containing practical tasks and exercises that facilitate the assimilation of what has been covered. |
task book |
workshop containing educational tasks. |
training program |
an educational publication that defines the content, volume, as well as the procedure for studying and teaching an academic discipline, its section, or part. |
training program |
a set of educational publications intended for a certain level of education and including a textbook, study guide, workbook, and reference book. |
Scientific and popular science publications
monograph |
A scientific or popular science publication containing a complete and comprehensive study of one problem or topic and owned by one or more authors. |
collection of scientific papers |
A collection containing research materials from scientific institutions, educational institutions, or societies. |
materials of the conference (congress, symposium) |
a non-periodic collection containing the results of the conference in the form of reports, recommendations, decisions. |
dissertation abstract |
a scientific publication in the form of a brochure containing an abstract compiled by the author of his research, submitted for an academic degree. |
Types of authorship
Author |
person who created a work of science, literature, or art. |
Composer |
a specialist or team of specialists who collects, systematizes and/or processes any materials for inclusion in a publication. |
Author-compiler |
a person who systematizes materials partially created by him. |
Title elements of the educational publication
An educational book must have a cover on which there is a minimum of basic elements of output information sufficient to distinguish the publication from others: 1) information about the author (authors) - initials and surname in the nominative case; 2) title of the publication without quotation marks; 3) place of publication of the publication, name of the publisher and year of publication, formatted in a column.Title pages with imprint information are a necessary element of the book apparatus. Output information is texts placed on the title page, the back of the title page and the end title page containing basic information about the publication, its brief description and individual codes that facilitate its reader search, as well as bibliographic processing and statistical accounting.
Title page – a sheet reflecting the necessary title elements used to identify the book as a primary source of bibliographic information, and consisting of the front and back sides.
The composition of title elements is determined by GOST R 7.0.4-2020 “Editions. Imprint. General requirements and rules of registration."
The required elements of the title page are: supertitle data, name of the author (co-authors), title proper, subtitle data and imprint. These required elements are placed in the specified sequence.
Supertitle data, or title elements placed above the title proper, include:
1) the name of the organization (organizations) on behalf of which the university book is published or which acts as responsible for its publication, or its collective author;
2) initials and surname of the personal author (authors).
If there are two or more names of organizations in the header data, they are arranged in a column, taking into account the corresponding hierarchy. The name of the organization on whose behalf the publication is published is given in the officially established form. In publications of theses and materials of scientific conferences, their organizers are indicated in the header information.
The author's name (initials and surname) is given in the nominative case. If the publication was prepared by a team of authors, the names of personal authors are given in the sequence they accept (for example, alphabetically, by volume of writing, by the significance of their contribution to the work, taking into account the authority of each), while the names of two or three authors are recommended to be presented as a selection (of one line), and in a column, and if there are four or more authors - in a selection.
The main title is indicated as it is defined by the author or publisher, and is distinguished among adjacent title elements (supratitle and subtitle) by printing means (font selection). It is not allowed to publish a publication without a title.
Subtitle data or title elements placed below the main title of a university book include clarifications of the main title in terms of subject matter, target and readership, type of publication, as well as recommending marks of the educational and methodological association (UMO) and other higher organizations.
The output data includes the place of publication of the publication, the name of the publisher and the year of publication and is formatted in a column. The place of publication of the publication is considered to be the legal address of the publisher. The year of publication is indicated in Arabic numerals without the word “year” or the abbreviation “g.”
The required elements of the back of the title page are:
classification indices and copyright mark; information about the team of authors or compilers, indicating the sections of the book belonging to them;
information about reviewers and the editorial board; publisher's abstract (abstract);
International Standard Book Number - ISBN or International Standard Music Edition Number - ISMN); copyright sign.
Classification indices are placed in a separate line in the upper left corner of the title page: first the UDC (international universal decimal classification) index, below it the LBK (library and bibliographic classification) index, with the obligatory indication of the abbreviation of the corresponding classification scheme. The author's mark is placed there, under the classification indices. UDC and BBK indices, the author's mark is affixed by university library staff at the final stage. The copyright mark is determined by two-digit tables of copyright marks by L.B. Khavkina.
The names of reviewers are placed at the top of the title page, indicating their academic degrees and titles.
The names of the members of the editorial board are listed in the order established by the editorial board or the publisher itself. The responsible editor may be included in the general membership of the editorial board, or may be indicated on a separate line above it.
Names of personal authors (if there are four or more authors). The word “Authors” is placed before the names of the authors. On the back of the title page, after the name of each author, you can indicate the section (chapter) belonging to him in parentheses.
In publications for information and bibliographic purposes, a layout of an annotated catalog card (MACC) is provided, which contains a bibliographic record consisting of a title, a bibliographic description of the publication, an annotation (abstract), UDC and BBK indices, and an author's mark.
Drawing up and design of annotations and abstracts - in accordance with GOST 7.9-95 “Abstract and abstract. General requirements", MAKK - according to GOST 7.51-98 "Cards for catalogs and card files. Cataloging in the publication. Composition, data structure and publishing design.”
In publishing, it is customary to use the term “publishing abstract”. Its purpose is to briefly acquaint the reader with the contents and purpose of the book, to provide information about its advantages and features. It is necessary to indicate which discipline the book corresponds to and provide the reader's address (for whom this book is intended). The average annotation volume recommended by the standard is 500 printed characters. But, depending on the purpose of the annotation, it may be different. It is allowed to type the publisher's annotation in a smaller font size.
ISBN – International Standard Book Numbering – determined according to GOST 7.0.53-2007 “Publications. International Standard Book Number" and is a mandatory fundamental element within the framework of international book exchange and book trade. In accordance with GOST R 7.0.53-2007 and GOST R 7.0.4-2020, the ISBN is indicated in the publisher's abstract after the bibliographic description and in the lower left corner of the reverse side of the title page. ISBN is assigned at the stage of editorial and publishing preparation. The International Standard Edition Number of a musical work (ISMN) is given in the lower left corner of the back of the title page or a replacement element of a book edition of music according to GOST R 7.0.6
The copyright protection mark is provided in accordance with international legislation on the protection of intellectual property. It consists of the Latin letter © (the first letter of the Latin “Copyright”), enclosed in a circle, the name of the copyright holder, and the year of the first publication of the book. Placed © in the lower right corner of the title page.